Alberta Environment responds to the PLRS official "Statement of Concern" in regards to the Application for Approval to construct and maintain an outfall structure at Sandy Cove.  


Click here for some great information from Alberta Environment about managing chemically treat wood.


PLRS provides input to Alberta Environment on Sandy Cove Developments water application-request for discharge of storm water into Pine Lake.


On June 5, 2010 the PLRS provided a summary of key 2009/2010 activities at the 2010 Pine Lake Property Owners Association (PLPOA) AGM. Click here to view the summary.



PLRS announces partnership with the County of Red Deer for free disposal of weeds and algae for property owners from the shores of Pine Lake!


PLRS is working with the County of Red Deer and Alberta Environment on support for managing the weeds and algae that property owners are removing from the lake. 

Here is the original interim licence issued by Alberta Environmental Protection (back in1998) to the PLRS to begin construction and installation of the hypolimnetic withdrawl sytem, the wier and vault. The licence contains detailed reports and drawings...pretty interesting stuff!  

Planned Focus of the PLRS for 2010 and forward


PLRS board meeting minutes:

August 2012

September 2010

July 23, 2010

June 18, 2010

May 21, 2010

April 24, 2010

March 21, 2010

February 21, 2010

January 17, 2010

October 20, 2009

August 29, 2009

May 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

March 12, 2009

January 31, 2009